A fun Outer Banks retreat.
The owner shares some beach experiences.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Spring Break, Spring Cleaning!

Back at Hatteras for a week with my youngest and her good friend to prepare the house for the 2012 rental season.  We'll also try to squeeze in as much fun as we can between chores.  The girls had a couple kayak trips from the back yard after helping unload all our stuff.

A nice dry sunny day!  Chores, kayaking, then a trip to the beach.  I paddle surfed in small beach break in an offshore breeze while the girls flew a kite and played on the beach.  As we drove off the beach we were escorted by a pod of dolphins swimming close in. Our new neighbor is building quickly:

I'll try to grab a picture of the construction daily from the kitchen window to show the progress.

Rainy and windy last night into the morning.  After a sunrise lull the wind kicked in.  Sailed 3.8 at the hole after short runs on a 5.3 and then a 4.6.  Joined by Mark staying on the OBX for a month! and George L who just got a job in Maui!
Back to the house to get some cable TV stuff installed and get working with the girls. 


The neighbor house got its roof framing today.

We headed to the beach before noon for some science fair work and fun.  Jenna marked out a 100 yd stretch of beach and documented the amount and types of trash on the beach.  There was surprisingly little.
I tried some SUP paddling while Jenna was surveying.  No luck though as there was about zero surf other than a modest shore break.  The east side was pretty wild from the last two days of wind.

On the way back from the beach we bought fiudge, I picked up my repaired board (another masterfull job by Donnie Bowers), and Susie bought some great flip flops at Fox. Visited Andy and Anne at the shop with their new baby Katherine.  Congratulations! Back at the house the the girls went for a long kayak trip out to the sound while I did some chores.  We had dinner at Diamond Shoals restaurant.  Not much work done today but pretty fun.


A warm but gloomy day.  We did lots of chores this morning, great work girls.  Hot tub was repaired.  We headed to the beach which was pretty rough and a bit chilly but fun.  Stir fry at home after some hot tubbing and kayaking.

A gloomy cold windy day.  Time for .....shopping! We ran the Avon gauntlet of shops and all three of us picked up various souvenirs and gifts for our families. 
Also the Charter cable guy fixed out TV issue and Midgett inspected the house and blessed it for the season.


Lots of road surfimg on a very windy rainy north wind day.  Finally hooked up with Bill Bell and did a reef run from north of Avon.  We were on a 3.8 and 3.7 and it was pretty wild.  Bill was looping as usual and scored a really high semi-endo loop out at the reef.  The girls hung out at the house all day and were nice enough to clean out the car for our ride home tomorrow.  Good job girls.  Lat in the day the sun came out and the wind stayed up.  I headed to the hole for a sunset session and met Andy and Dale there.  Dale advise I rig a 4.6 and it was spot on.  I tried a few forwards with some moderate success.  Sailed into the sunset and head ed back to a dark parking lot.  Awesome last full day of our visit.

Pretty blue-sky morning.  The house is ready.  So much thanks to Jenna and Susie for all their hard work to get the house ready.  We have gusts visiting today.  The 2012 season (fourth year) begins!

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